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Continuing Education Courses Extension Division Courses New Haven Psychoanalytic

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Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39)
American Psychological Association
The Aims of Division 39
The goal of this site is to give mental health professionals information about the Division of Psychoanalysis, and to allow members of the Division to communicate and collaborate.

Seventy years after G. Stanley Hall, the founder of the American Psychological Association invited Sigmund Freud, Sandor Ferenczi, Carl Jung and Ernest Jones to the Clark University, the Division of Psychoanalysis was established as a structure within the American Psychology Association. In the seventeen subsequent years, the Division of Psychoanalysis has grown to almost 4,000 members and affiliates (students and international affiliates). The Division represents within the broad field of psychology, professionals who identify themselves as having a major commitment to the study, practice and development of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

From the President

Psychology in the News: The Sport of Couch Bashing

October 2009 was not a good month for clinical psychology. Several articles in the popular press attacked the profession for being unscientific, permitting psychologists to practice what they think is clinically useful based on personal experience rather than requiring them to use evidence-based treatments. The primary attack on clinical psychology was launched by Sharon Begley in an October 12 Newsweek article entitled "Ignoring the Evidence: Why Do Psychologists Reject Science?" In addition, the October 15 issue of Nature published a column by Allison Abbott entitled "Psychology: A Reality Check" describing the need for clinical psychology to embrace scientifically-proven forms of psychotherapy. Both articles are based on a report issued last November in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, the journal of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), by Timothy Baker et al., accompanied by an editorial written by Walter Mischel.

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Early Career Professionals

Attention Early Career Professionals and Graduate Students:
The 2010 Division 39 Spring Meeting will be held in Chicago with the theme, "Wild Analysis: Then (1920) and Now (2010)." Exciting new opportunities for early career participants are available. The meeting will also focus on the importance of crypto trading among professionals and graduate students. The profits from crypto trading can bring some extra money that will help to maintain the financial stability. Interested students and professionals can check here for more details. Money is a potent stimulant that stimulates the mind. It energizes and motivates people. It does, however, put them under a lot of strain. It might bring you enormous delight or bring you great sorrow. It's all-pervasive. Bitcoin may provide a fresh way for people to overcome negative attitudes toward money and perhaps change their psychological predispositions. Bitcoin is a type of currency that initiates a new way of understanding money because it is borderless and built on a foundation of decentralised open source software.

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SPOTLIGHT Division 39 Publications

Louis Rothschild, PhD

Welcome to the Spotlight Introduction for Volume 26, Issue Number 4 of Psychoanalytic Psychology.  In choosing to Spotlight Ofra Shalev's and Hanoch Yerushalmi's paper, 'Status of sexuality in contemporary Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy', I am reminded of Harlow's (1958) work on love.  Although Harlow's monkey's well known preference of a soft cloth covered mannequin over a bare wire mannequin with a feeding tube should not be conflated with The Beatles' (Lennon & McCartney, 1967) refrain that, "Love is all you need," this associational link between Harlow and The Beatles is perhaps at the heart of Shalev's and Yerushalmi's paper.

Enter the SPOTLIGHT area in the Publications area for the full article.

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You have probably received an email from Nancy McWilliams, President of
Division 39, explaining how and why the Division has created a special
arrangement for its members to gain cheap access to the PEP Archive at


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PEP WEB ReSubscription Reminder
Members who have subscribed to the PEP WEB need to resubscribe at the end of their subscription year. Here's how to renew your subscription:
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APsaA Fellowship Program
The American Psychoanalytic Association founded its Fellowship Program as part of an initiative to provide outstanding early-career psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and academics, the future educators and leaders in their fields, additional knowledge of psychoanalysis.
Click here for a link to the APsaA site
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Empirical Studies in Psychoanalysis
A Link to the APSA Web Site
Empirical Studies in Psychoanalysis
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Division 39/APA Press Book Prize
Division 39 and APA Press are delighted to announce the second annual prize for
a first book by a psychoanalytic author. The winner receives a $1000 cash prize, a certificate of recogntion, and guarantee of publication by the APA press.
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PsycScans Now Online
PsycSCAN: Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic Abstracts is now available
electronically (and only electronically) through PsychSCANS--APA's
electronic database resource.

To access PsycScans/Psychoanalysis,log into the web site and follow the links under Your Subscriptions on the home page. For more detailed instructions, turn to the Publications Committee area of this web site, where you will find a pdf document.

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Division 39/APsaA Collaboration
"The Enduring Significance of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice," a powerpoint presentation created by Greg Lowder, in collaboration with Nancy McWilliams, James Hansell, and the Board of Directors of Division 39.

Division 39 offers a teaching resource that covers empirical research
substantiating psychoanalytic theories and treatments.

Download a PDF Version of the Power Point Presentation

Click here to connect to APsaA Web Site

APsaA Fellowship Web Site

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Outreach Project Highlight: SOFAR Strategic Outreach to Families of All Reservists
DIVISION 39 SOFAR Project Highlighted in APA Monitor
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Task Force on Basic Human Rights
The Task Force on Basic Human Rights was appointed just prior to the 2006 Spring Conference by David Ramirez, President of the Division. It has the
following members: Neil Altman, chair; Marilyn Jacobs, Frank Summers, Laurel Bass Wagner, Nancy McWilliams (ex-officio), and Jaine Darwin.

Important Documents Related to the Task Force

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Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual Reviewed in The New York Times
See the Link in the New Events Box on this Home Page

A number of Division 39 members - Sidney Blatt, Jaine Darwin, Abby Herzig, Marvin Hurvich, Bertram Karon, Nancy McWilliams, Herbert Schlesinger, Jonathan Shedler, Howard Shevrin, George Stricker, Joel Weinberger, Drew Westen and others - have contributed to the development of a new diagnostic manual intended to compensate for many of the limitations of the DSM. Edited by Stanley Greenspan and sponsored by Division 39, the American Psychoanalytic Association, the International Psychoanalytical Association, the National Membership Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work, and the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, the manual will be available sometime this spring. Royalties will go into a fund to support psychoanalytic research. There follows an article on the project that appeared recently in the New York Times:

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New Outreach Companion Web Site
Division of Psychoanalysis Outreach Companion Web Site

The Division is pleased to establish a companion website at�that �will highlight the outreach activities of our members. �The new site will be linked to the exisiting Division website at

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Newsletter Information
The Psychologist-Psychoanalyst is an official publication of the Division of Psychoanalysis. It is published four times a year and contains general articles of interest to the membership as well as reports from officers, committees, sections and local chapters of the Division.
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© Division of Psychoanalysis, 1999-2003


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